Stone No.72
Inscription. |
In memory of William Wylie, teacher, born Tulliealan, Octr 11th 1766, died, Dundee, Octr 18th 1829. And of Annie Stupart his wife born 17th June 1770, died 11th August 1858. Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Lamb collection, reproduced with kind permission of Dundee Central Library, Local Studies Dept. Also of their children
Claimant: William Wyllie Teacher Grammar School 26 May 1836 The Hospital Committee granted the request of Dr Wyllie of Carluke for permission to place a flat new stone on this ground to correspond in breadth with the previous headstone.
Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832 |