Burial Grounds Search.

Stone No.72



In memory of William Wylie, teacher, born Tulliealan, Octr 11th 1766, died, Dundee, Octr 18th 1829.

And of Annie Stupart his wife born 17th June 1770, died 11th August 1858.

Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Lamb collection, reproduced with kind permission of Dundee Central Library, Local Studies Dept.

Also of their children
Born 23rd March 1799 died 4th June 1805
Born 12th May 1789 died 2nd Oct 1820 in Batvia
James Born 2nd January 1795 died 21st October 1850 in Russia
Born 17th July 1801 died 4th May 1856


Claimant: William Wyllie Teacher Grammar School

26 May 1836 The Hospital Committee granted the request of Dr Wyllie of Carluke for permission to place a flat new stone on this ground to correspond in breadth with the previous headstone.


Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832