Stone No.714
Inscription. |
Original text is no longer visible. Revised in 1831 by Isabella and Eupham Black, to the beloved memory of their uncle William Scott, who died 9th December 1830, aged 75 years; Also in remembrance of the ancient family of that name, many of whom are interred in this portion of the burying ground. In 1838 it was noted that a partial remnant of the original inscription remained, being :- Anno 1598____ Mors vita fidelum et mors eternal. In the year 1598_____ Death is the life of the faithful, and death eternal. Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is 1831 Revised by Isabella and Eupham Black Claimant: Miss Black, now Rev Mrs Jaffray. |