Burial Grounds Search.

Stone No.661



(Old stone on surface of ground)

Heir rests ane godlie and honest man callit Ihone Dynnis halmerman and swordliper burges of Dundie quha____in the m___ October the ___ God 1603 qvha levet vith his vyf in
mariag callit Elspit Vill_sone the space of 17 yeiris, "To
honor the sepvltvr vi may be bald
Ve lerna of Abrahams ovr father auld.


Heir rests ane godlie and honest man callit lohne Dynnis, Hahnerman and Sovrdliper,

Bvrges of Dvndie, qvha deceist in the month of October, the zeir of God 1603, qvha levet vith his

vife in marriag, callit Elspit Villamsone, the spaiece of xvii zeiris.

To honour the sepvltvr ve may be bald

Ve lerne of Abrahame our father aid.



Source: Thomson.