Stone No.622
Inscription. |
Flat stone erected by John Boyacke, Maltman, in memory of his wife, Isobell Gourlay, 1669.
"From dust I cam, and thither doe return, Vho here abids, all tribes of earth shall murn; Vhile heaven and earth wrapt in a scroll shall be, And Christ, with saints, coming in clouds IIe see; When soul and bodie united, shall againe Be lifted up to Christ, for to remaine."
Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions Chiefly in Scotland (1834) Robert Monteith
Here lies ane honest and virtuous woman, Isobel While heav'n and earth wrapt in a scroll shall be, 1819 Revised by William Mudie, Glasgow. Claimant: Sister of William Mudie, Overgate.