Burial Grounds Search.

 Stone No.580



P  K

M  G

Hic dormiunt in spem reurrectionis vis spectatae in tegritatis et fictei Patricius Kynnaird nauta et Majoria Gleg ejus conjunx obierunt ille 18 die mensis januarii anno dmi 1628 aetatis suae 43 hace aliquot po? annes virum secita die mensis ____anno dmi____ aetatis suae____ Natura dedit usum vitae, ut fortuna pecunia nulla praestit ut a die.

Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832

Patrick Kinnaird 18th January 1628

Marjory Gleig

Here sleep in hope of the resurrection a man of tried worth and integrity, Patrick Kinnaird, Mariner and Marjory Gleig his wife. They died- he on the 18th January in the year of the Lord 1628, and of his age 42; she followed her husband some years on the ____ day of ____, in the year of the lord___, and of her age____.

Nature gave us the use of life, fortune, money,_______.

Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.