Stone No.59
Inscription. |
Erected By JAMES STEWART Manufacturer Pleasance, and AGNES YOOLOW his spouse as a testimony of respect due to the memory of her Brother DAVID YOOLOW late merchant in Greenock who died there on the 6th day of July 1826, aged 46 years also her mother AGNES JOHNSTON who died on the 5th day of December 1830 in the 80th years of her age and of their own children ROBERT STEWART who died 20th August 1834 aged 18 years and ANDREW STEWART who died 22nd April 1838 aged 16 years 'Twas Sin that gave Man the dread Sentence of death, 'Twas Sin that did kindle both Hell and God's Wrath; But Glory to God, for he sent one to save, And gave Man the Victory o'er Death and the Grave.