Stone numbers 432 and 436.
In 1837 Mr John Steill paid revisal fees to remove a sarcophagus at number 70 so a new monument and urn could be erected. The coped stone from number 70 was renumbered 432 and was placed to the east of 436 and can be seen in the below photograph. A photograph I discovered showed that the coped stone was still in this position up until recent times then moved into its current position on top of 436.
Stone No.436
Inscription. |
This was once a magnificent monument, erected by Christian Gray in memory of her husband Thomas Steel, who died in 1686; removed to its present position 1837. It was originally embellished with sculptured panels of subjects taken from Quarles` "Emblems," and is described as having been a splendid piece of work. It is now totally ruinous. The original inscription is in Latin.
Tinder this tomb are laid the bones and ashes of Thomas Steel, illustrious for his piety towards God, and faith towards his King and Country; who lived happily in this city 31 years under the matrimonial bond with Christian Gray, his most beloved wife, who caused this monument to be erected to him. He died 14th of February, in the year of the Lord 1686, and of his age 63. Passenger, thou thinkest me dead, but thou art in error, which I prove thus:—I have left a famous name on the earth after death, and my spirit lives and rejoices in the highest heavens. I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to be dissolved, and be with Christ.—Philippians i. 23. Bring my soul out of prison that I may praise thy name.—Psalm. Source: Thomson. The eastern panel had an inscription to relations of John Steill which sadly is now missing. Dedicated by John Steill son of the late James Steill of Baldovie, in memory of his relations.- Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission. From RT: Thomas Hunter, clothier High Street |
Stone No.432
Inscription from Monteith's An Theater Of Mortality |
BESSIE WRIGHT's Monument In tomb although consum'd my body lies, I'le rest in hope, till Christ in clouds appear, Heir lyeth the bodie of Bessie Wright spouse to Patrick Rob cordiner who died Jan 25 1670 and of age 44 years. Claimant: David Steel, farmer Carmichael. Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832