Stone No.424
Inscription. |
T S 17 BH 63 This stone was erected by THOMAS SMITH mercht in Dundee & BARBARA HILL his spouse in memory of their children JENN who died June 20th 1762 aged 16 months GEORGE died 27th Octor 1768 aged 3 years and 7 ??? wright died 20th Novr aged 2 years and 7 months REAR: Memoriae Joannes Methven filii Davidi Methven Pictoris in taoduno qui obiit 12 mo Decembris 1775 annum unum et ?es Menses Natus hoc monumentum tuscriphuin ets. Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is Claimant: Heirs of Thomas Smith Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832