Stone No.412
There are 3 stones carrying this number and are all shown here.
Inscription. |
1806 Erected by WILLIAM DICK surgeon Dundee in memory of his father THOMAS DICK who died 24th Novr 1787 aged 18 years also his mother ANN NAIRN who died the 6th Janry 1816 aged 85 years and his son THOMAS surgeon who died the 21st Feby 1819 aged 27 years likewise DAVID who died 24th March 1827 aged 18 years
Also in memory of his son ROBERT late shipmaster Dundee who died 12th Feby 1832 aged 27 years and likewise the said WILLIAM DICK surgeon who died 25th April 1836 aged 68 years died on the 9th March 1839 ELIZABETH DICK ?????? One who prospered away every amiable quality. "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy". Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is 412 Flat
412 Coped Revised 1806 by William Dick Surgeon To Thomas Dick and his wife An Nairn Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832 It could be suggested that this stone was originally revised and at a later date the top memorial was purchased and placed on the plot. As for the centre stone I have as this moment no further information as to how it relates to the other monuments and carries no other identifiable marks or text apart from the number.