Burial Grounds Search.

Stone No.35


Inscription AC Lamb/ Thomson

 Catherine Constable, wife of John Masterton, flesher, 1673.


"Our care is short, yet aiming still in minde,

Christ`s pouer and presence in my whole life to finde,

Who now in grave doth lye, till sonnes of God shall be

In heaven restor`d to glorious libertie ;

Whith mother, children, wher husband longs to raise

To God, in Christ, immortal songs of praise."



Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions Chiefly in Scotland 1834 (R Montieth)



Here is interred a virtuous woman Katharine Constable ;
spouse to John Mastertoun flesher: who departed
15 January, 1673. And of her age 30.
Our race is short, yet aiming still in mind
Christ's pow'r and presence all my life to find.

I now in grave do lye, till sones of God shall be

In heav'n restor'd to glorious libertie;

With mother, children, where husbands long to raise
To God, in Christ, immortal songs of praise.

Claimant: Supposed to be claimed by Thomas Smart, writer.