Inscription. |
Erected By WILLIAM CLARK jailor Dundee and ISABEL Mc GILVERAY his spouse in memory of their children Viz. NICHOLAS died the 15th : Feb'y: 1797 aged 5 months, ISABEL died 11th : Nov.r 1808 aged 5 years 2 months DANIEL died 17th Nov.r 1812 aged 14 years and eight months ALEX'r died at Jamaica 27th May 1817 aged 17 years. John died 13th Nov'r 1826 aged 18 years SOPHIA died 17th Sep'r 1827 aged 22 years. And the mother of 5 sons and 5 daughters died 7th Jan'y 1830 aged 53 years. REAR Cuimhnich am bas (Remember death) On a small brass plate inserted on west side of the stone appears the following letters :ó Thomas Shepherd & The Working Band Will Thee Instruct What This Royal Arch Contains, For So Doing Your Pleasure. Then below in an arched form cut in the face of the stone are the following letters :ó " I. W. C. D. O. T. O. S. C. T. D. I. O. 1793. T. I. H. M. I William Clark, Designed on the Other Side, Came To Dundee In October 1793 Then In His Majesty's Service, A Native Of Inverness, A Lover Of All Good People And A Hater Of And Hated By Rogues. William Clark was said to be a bit of a joker. Thomas Shepherd, sexton, and his assistantsó" the working band," were to explain the mysterious letters to the curious for- "your pleasure!"