Burial Grounds Search.


Inscription Monteith's An Theater Of Mortality

A.S. K.S.

Monumentnm Andreæ Clerk, vitriarii, spectatæ pro-
bitatis viri ; qui in hac civitate sub matrimonii vinculo,
cum Catharina Stevinson conjuge dilectissima, annos 40,
feliciter vixit. Anno æræ Chnstianæ 1694, & ætatis
suæ 62, fatis cessit, necnon dicta Catharina, matrona
præclara, quæ, plus minus septuagenaria, obiit eodem anno.

The monument of Andrew Clerk, glasier, a man of
notable goodness; who in this city lived most happily
for the space of 40 years, in the bond of marriage, with
Katharine Stevinson his most beloved spouse. He died
as above. And the said Katharine, a most famous
matron, died that same year, being about the nge ol
70 years.