Inscription AC Lamb/ Thomson |
T.S., probably Simson, date circa 1600. This stone has been annexed and the original inscription defaced.
(Merchants mark)
Mensis Marcii die 6. [the 6th day of the month of March.]
"Man, tak hed to me, Hov, thov sal be, Quhan thov art dead ; Drye as a trei, Vermes sal eat ye ; Thy great boote Sal be like lead. Ye tyme hath bene, In my zoothe grene, That I vas clene Of bodies as ze ar; Bot for my eyen ; Nov tvo holes bene ; Of me is sene Bvt benes bare."
1827.- Revised by Mrs Charles Ross, in memory of her mother, Jean Knight. Claimant: Heirs of Christopher Ross, Grocer Dundee Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832.