Stone No.1373
Inscription. |
1831 Erected By THOMAS EWART late farmer Balloch and CATHERINE OGILVY his spouse in memory of their children WALTER who died 2nd April 1822 aged 12 years interred Alyth church yard HELEN who died 19th June 1830 aged 11 years JAMES who died 8th July 1831 aged 16 years Helen & James are interred here. CATHERINE OGILVY and her surviving family subjoin this, in memory of THOMAS EWART a much valued husband and father who died at Lochee 18th January 1833 in the 64th year of his age
Claimant: Sons of Thomas Ewart, Lochee.
Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832