Stone No.139
Inscription. |
This stone was erected by PS. AG. This stone was erected by Peter Low in memory of his mother Margaret Crichton who died Octr 27, aged 62 years, 1764; and his daughter Margaret, who died January 1775, aged 9 days, Also Margaret who died March 17, aged 3 years and 6 months, 1780; Ann Gibson his spouse died 16th Feby 1801, aged 61. Peter Low died 10th July 1802, aged 82. Isabella Duncan (wife of John Low, their son) died 6th May 1829 aged 54. Source:The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is Claimant: John Low, police officer. Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832