Burial Grounds Search.

Stone No.131-3



1834. Erected by William Ramsay, Tailor, Dundee, in memory of his children David and Elizabeth, twins; the former died 2nd august 1824 aged 14 months, the latter died April 23rd 1834, aged 10 years. William died Febry 16th 1834 aged 8 years.

Afflictions sore long time they bore,

Physicians were in vain;

Till God did please to give them ease,

And free them from their pain.

Source:The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is
reproduced with kind permission.

William Ramsay, tailor

Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832