Stone No.1312
Inscription. |
1830 Erected By FRANCIS GUILD Chapelshade and ELIZABETH NICOL his spouse in memory of their children viz CATHERINE who died 13th march 1821 aged 4 years & WILLIAM who died 3rd March 1830 aged 2 years FRANCIS GUILD died 22nd Feb 1863 aged 70 ELIZABETH NICOLL died 30th Oct 1880 aged 87 DAVID GUILD died 29th Apr 1863 aged 40 and were buried in Eastern Necropolis S.B. No 808-809 JAMES F. GUILD died at Melbourne Jan 1866 aged 41 Rich is a saviours love to thee, Who called thee so soon home; Vast is that grace which he displayed, To save from wrath to come.
Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.