Stone No.1288/3
Inscription. |
1834 Erected By ELIZABETH ROBERTSON to the memory of her husband THOMAS MILLER who died 26th November 1833 aged 47 years 1837 revised by JAMES ROBERTSON Carpenter Dundee in memory of his sister the above ELIZABETH ROBERTSON who died 12th January 1837 aged 57 years also his daughter HELEN who died 4th January 1837 aged 4 1/2 years also in memory of the above JAMES ROBERTSON who died of cholera on 1st September 1849 and is interred in Margate Church Yard Isle of Thanet County of Kent aged 55 years MARGARET ROBERTSON in memory of her daughter MATILDA who died 22nd March 1852 aged 18 years.
REAR: Sacred to the memory of John Frazer, Mariner, first husband of Elizabeth Robertson, who was drowned off the Smack Union, Dundee, in the River Thames, London 27th December 1822 aged 37 years. Thomas Easson and Isabella Robertson in memory of their children, Thomas died 25th April 1854 aged 13 months, John died 30th December 1855 aged 5 years. David died 18th January 1860, aged 3 years. Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.
16 March 1837. Revisal dues paid by James Robertson, sailor & carpenter.
Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832