Inscription. |
Sarcophagus, M. Archibald Auchinleck, 1647.
"Heir Lyis entomb`d, who, sprung of worthie race, Match`d with the prouest`s dochter of this place ; Liv`d long in hemen`s knot, thogh fates decried For thame no chyld, yet heaven this want supplied, By good Balmanno, his brother, rather sonne, Who honours nou his Asshes with this tomb. "Deaths uncontrolled syth mous all men doun, From poorest slave to him that weares the croun ; Wertew, nor noble birth, doth non exieme, For death such qualities, doth not estieme ; But suddenlie, and oft in middle dayes, As was this worthie on intomb`d heir lyes."
Inscription on frieze in memory of M. John Auchinleck, minister of Largo, 1709.
"I`ll rest in peace, until the time appear, That I th` Archangel of the Lord shall hear."
Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions Chiefly in Scotland 1834 (R Montieth)
Here lies interr'd, who, sprung of worthy race, For them no child, yet heav'ns this want supply'd, By good Balmanno, his brother, rather son: Magister ARCHIBALD AUCHINLECK was the second son of SIR GEORGE, LORD BALMANNO. He was born in 1600, and had evidently completed his studies and taken his degree before the date of his enrolment as a Burgess. Magister ARCHIBALD AUCHINLECK was married in 1621 to JANET, daughter of WILLIAM AUCHINLECK of Woodhill, who was Provost of Dundee in 1619 ARCHIBALD AUCHINLECK was one of the leading men in the movement for an armed resistance to the imposition of Episcopacy, as appears from the Council Minutes of the period. On 18th October, 1643, it is recorded that "the Counsel hes nominat and ordained Mr ARCHIBALD AUCHINLECK to provyde for 15 or 16 baggage horse at the easiest pryce he can, and at most not to exceed 50 merk the piece." In the following year, when the Burgh raised a troop for the purpose of assisting in quelling the Rebellion under the MARQUESS OF HUNTLY in the North, ARCHIBALD AUCHINLECK was "nominat to be captayne thairof," and he probably accompanied the Dundee contingent on that expedition. Source:Eminent Burgesses of Dundee - A.H. Millar 1887