In loving memory of William Anderson departed April 6 1848 aged 67 years Hanby Anderson departed April 8 1827 aged 39 years of their children William departed Feb 16 1813 aged 23 months William ........ Dec 10 1821 .... 1 month Euphemia ....... Nov 14 1822 .... 2 years David ........ April 17 1831 .... 14 years of their Granchild Hannah daughter of Alexander and Hannah Steel departed January 11 1843 aged 22 months and of their parents ( of both sides) viz Alexander Anderson departed June 22 1812 Isabel Anderson ............ May 15 1801 David McNicoll ............. Dec 16 1821 Margaret McNicoll .......... Jan 15 1816 also of their brother and sister viz Alexander Anderson departed Oct 8 1807 and his wife Isabella Anderson departed Mar 23 1854
One family we dwell in him
Their other children James Anderson departed March 18 ?? aged 40 Margaret Kyd 25 November 1891 .......... 79 Isabella Steel 7 April 1892............. 77 Alexander Anderson 24 June 1894......... 70 Hannah Steel 23 October 1895 ........... 81 Agnes Anderson 11 October 1895 ......... 78