Burial Grounds Search.







David Low slater in Dundee

and Elspeth Anderson his spouse

in memory of their children

Margaret who died 17th May 1810

aged 12 years

Helen 19th March 1819 aged 12 years

James 6th January 1822 aged 17 years

David 29th November 1835 aged 31 years

Joanna Crichton 5th June 1846

aged 37 years


The above named David Low senior

died 21st March 1847

aged 72 years

The above named

Elspeth Anderson

died 18th November 1854 aged 80 years


Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.


Sacred to the memory of David Low who died 14th March 1856, aged 30 years and Elizabeth Anderson Low, who died 30th March 1856 aged 32 years, son and daughter of David Low Junr.

Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.