Burial Grounds Search.







 Sarcophagus of John Cook, merchant, 1681.


Merchants mark on end



Monteith's An Theater Of Mortality



Here lies ane godly, virtuous and honest man,
John Cook, merchant burgess of Dundee; who departed
1 Januarie 1681. Of his age 50.
In tomb although consum'd my body lies;
Yet my redeemer Christ, with thir same eyes,
I shall behold; who of my life the prope
Was still, my trust and portion of my lot.

Here lyis ane godly and verteous honest man John Cook, Merchant, burges in Dundie, who departed the 1 of Januarie 1681, who lived in the holy band of marige with Elezbeth Grym 23 years, and of his age 50 years. Under this stone lyes David Cook, Merchant, who departed this life the 7th of Febry 1739, in the 70th year of his age; also Andrew Cook, Merchant, who died March 11th 1776, aged 72 years.
Here lyes David Cook, Merchant in Dundee, who died the 7th Octr 1827, aged 87, son of Andrew Cook, Merchant in Dundee.
Also Barbara, daughter of the late Provost Butchart of Arbroath, his spouse, who departed this life the 1st May 1832, aged 76 years.

Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is reproduced with kind permission.