Stone No.970/3
Inscription. |
Erected By JNO WILSON Western Bank of Scotd Dundee in memory of his son JOHN who died 1st May 1845 aged 20 years and his son ROBERT who died at Calcutta 13th May 1845 aged 27 years JAMES WILSON died 12th January 1854 aged 40 years JOHN WILSON senr died 2nd Decr 1857 aged 80 years and his spouse AGNES FENTON who died 10th Octr 1859 aged 79 years After warfare rest is pleasant, oh how sweet the prospect is, Though we toil and strive at present, Let us not repine at this, Toil and pain and conflict past All endears repose at last.
12th Augt 1846. Revisal dues paid by John Wilson, clerk in Western Bank of Scotland, Dundee, for permission to erect a standing stone at space No969, where there is already a lying stone, but without removing the stone already on the ground and without prejudice to the rights of other parties.
Source:Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground, 1832