Burial Grounds Search.



Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions Chiefly in Scotland 1834 (R Montieth)

WILLIAM and ANDREW GRAY's Monument Ib.

Memoriæ ac virtuti integerrimi viri, Gulielmi Gray,
scribæ curiæ vicecomitatus de Forfar, hoc monumentum
ponebant hæredes & Mariota Dog relicta. Obiit 19
Die Aprilis, anno Dom. 1629. Ætatis suæ 49.
On the other side is written.
Pietate & probitate conspicuo, de ecclesia egenisque
bene merito, Andreæ Graio, civi Taodunensi, de nobili
Graiorum familia oriundo.

To the virtuous memory of William Gray, a most
upright man, sheriff clerk of Forfar, his heirs, and
Mareon Dog his relict, erected this monument.
To Andrew Gray citizen of Dundee, descended of the
noble family of Gray ; a man notable for his piety and
goodness, and for his good offices to the church and to.
the poor.

In death is life. To Andrew Gray, descended of the noble family of Gray, a citizen of

Dundee conspicuous for piety and honesty, and well deserving both of the Church and the Poor.

O, Death! where is thy victory—where thy sting?

To the memory and virtue of a most upright man, William Gray, Procurator in the Sheriff Court of

Forfarshire, his heirs and Mariot Doig, his widow, erected this monument. He died the 19th day of

April, in the year of the Lord 1629, and of his age 49.

Source: Thomson.

Old tomb in ruins.

Claimant: Williamson, merchant Dundee, heirs of