Burial Grounds Search.

Stone No.85



 Red marble monument, by 1891 inscription was effaced

Coffin tomb to commemorate the Fairweathers.

William and George Fairweather, the father died 13/5/1683

and the son died 25/5/1683 aged 32




Also Kath Constable spouse to William Fairweather Younger died 11/5/1684 aged 20 years



Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions Chiefly in Scotland 1834 (R Montieth)



Here resteth, in the Lord, William and George Fair.'
weathers, skippers, pious, virtuous, and of an upright
life; who lived with the love of all persons, and at their
death were much lamented (the father deceasing 13
May 1683. Of his age 61. the son dying 25 May 1683.
Of age 32.) and Katharine Constable, spouse to William
Fairweather younger, a religious virtuous young woman
is also here interred, who deceast 11 May 1684. Her
age 20.
Father and son lo here interred are;
Oft tost by tempests in foamy ocean were;

Through divine favour, still preserv'd their prope,
On whom they trusted both by faith and hope:
Waiting with saints, till grave her dead resign,
Hence they'l be call'd eternally to reign.

Old tomb, inscription worn out.

Claimant: Thomas Drummond, Dundee Public Library has some relations buried here.