in latin....
THOMAS LYELL skipper in Dundee eminent for his piety, his loyalty to his king & love to his fellow citizens
died 18th Dec 1678 aged 43 years, Erected by his spouse.
Revised by JOHN WILSON Ship-master Dundee
Covering stone of sarcophagus, Thomas Lyell, 1678.
"per vigil hic rector recubat sub marmore claro
Saepe tulit rapido carbasa tuta salo
Nani virtute netins candore et acumine praestans
Judicii pulchra haec sunt monumenta tui
Confissuo Domino ventosqui regit et undas
Spe plena ac solida qua sine labe fido
Hanc molem extruxit thalami suavissima conjunx
Sinceri haec animi favilla sui."
Monteith's An Theater Of Mortality
Hic dormit in Domino Thomas Lyallus, nauclerus Deidonensis peritissimns; insigni in Deum pietate ac fide, erga concives charitate conspicuus: qui ex ergastulo corporis emigravit 18 Decemb. anno Dom. 1678. .Ætatis suæ 43. Pervigil hic rector recubat sub marmore claro, Sæpe tulit rapido carbasa tuta salo: Nam virtute nitens, candore & acumine prastans Judicii; pulchra hæc sunt monumenta tui Confisus Domino, ventos qui regit & undas, Spe plena ac solida, qua sine labe fide. Hanc molem extruxit thalami suavissima conjunx; Sinceri hæc animi viva favilla sui.
Here rests in the Lord Thomas Lyell, a most skilful
skipper faith towards God and love to his fellow-citizens: who removed, from the prison of the body, as above. Under this stone a watchful skipper lies, Who often sailed safe in boist'rous seas ; His virtue, candour, and ingenuous wit Are certainly his monument most fit: Trusting in God, who rules the waves and wind, He was upheld; by solid hope of mind. His dearest wife rear'd up this marble fair In testimony of her love sincere.