Stone No.756-2
Inscription. |
1832. Erected by Robert Nicoll, Merchant, Dundee, and Janet Caithness his spouse, in memory of their two infant sons, James who died 23rd April 1830, aged 16 days; Robert, who died 17th June 1831, aged 29 days. Sweet Babes! on earth no more- Their souls enlarg'd to Angel's size, Joins in the triumphs of the skies, Adores the Grace that brought them there, Without a wish, without a care; That wash'd their souls in Calvary's stream, That shorten'd life's distressing dream, Short griefs, short pains, Sweet Babes! were thine, New Joys, Eternal and Divine. Source: The Book of the Howff, ©Libraries, Leisure and Culture Dundee, Local History Centre & is 1832 by Robert Nicoll, merchant Dundee