Burial Grounds Search.






In memory of

George Fyffe

Late Slater Bro Ferry

Who died 1 April 1863 aged 78 years

Jane Tosh

His wife who died 13 Sept 1848 aged 63

George Fyffe

Slater their son who died 17 April 1863 aged 36

George Fyffe

Their grandson who died in infancy in 1868

Son of James Fyffe Slater B Ferry

Jane Fyffe

Their daughter who died 4th April 1876 aged 60

The above mentioned

James Fyffe

Died 24th Feb 1880 aged 69 years

Agnes fyffe

Daughter of George Fyffe and Jane Tosh

Died 28th Jan 1881 aged 54 years

Mary Machray

Wife of the above James Fyffe

who died 27th July 1902 aged 79 years

Elizabeth bell

Wife of the above George Fyffe Junior

who died 4th may 1906 aged 84 years